在上海,如何判断一个楼盘,是不是真的卖得好?「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!最直接的方式,看榜单。6月3日克而瑞上海最新出炉的楼盘销售金额排行榜显示,中国铁建万科·朗拾花语销售金额、销售套数、销售面积均位列前十。单月销售房源134套,金额高达10.24亿元,3批次推出短短半月即售罄,成为闵行梅陇名副其实的断货王。不得不说,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!综观上海,总价600-750万级的高规格资产市场占比真的少之又少,中国铁建万科·朗拾花语是梅陇少有的无论品牌、地段、景观、户型素质皆优的超质价比红盘。三批次热销售罄足可见产品在市场的受欢迎程度。值得兴奋的是,此前开盘即售罄的建筑面积约86㎡、建筑面积约121㎡王炸户型强势回归。四批次收官三栋,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!最后一批臻品房源现已取证,再加上央行三连降与【沪九条】出台,新政后一周爆销80套的火爆场面,可以预测又一波火爆即将上演。01爆款户型重磅回归建筑面积约86㎡/121㎡横扫市面,几无对手在提出全新生活主张的同时,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!中国铁建万科·朗拾花语硬核产品力是征服市场的利器。四批次重磅回归的建筑面积约86㎡/121㎡户型,在空间性能雕琢与景观打造布局上堪称极致。同目前市场流行的房型,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!三房产品基本上都在建筑面积约90㎡左右,且多是功能型小三室,强调紧凑实用,性能足够而舒适度不足。中国铁建万科·朗拾花语建筑面积约86㎡三房产品却拥有比肩建筑面积约120㎡产品的大横厅,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!在一进门就把居住尺度拉至大宅效果,强化了空间的奢阔排场。等宽赠送的大飘窗,可以设置多个情景功能场所,如茶座、咖啡吧、微型书台……将储物功能与娱乐功能完美的结合在一起。南向两大阳光卧室,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!主卧专享衣帽间、独立阳台,在强化空间采光度同时强调主人私密感。约3.5m奢阔开间,可以放置梳妆台、衣柜等,为女主人衣装、美妆留出充足空间。更值得一提的是,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!建筑面积约86㎡户型足足有4个大飘窗赠送,高拓空间更高得房率,房型的性价比吊打市面一众房源,在同面积空间无论是性能还是价格皆是完爆。建筑面积约121㎡三房产品景观位置出众,西侧一线临河,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!享受天然水系绝佳生态景观,推窗即望河光流转,是视觉的一大享受。且目前该户型只有26套,稀缺房源卖完即无,此后再无此产品,上市后的火爆程度可想而知。02黄金中环正梅陇一站徐汇,繁华配套出行便捷约400m步行即达15号线虹梅南路站,约300m直上虹梅高架路,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!15号线(已通车)、19号线(在建中)、机场联络线三轨交汇,中国铁建万科·朗拾花语打造直线距离中环约2.5km的600-750万级的房子,这对上海新锐精致青年的诱惑力实在太大了。更别说项目北侧约700m有36万方华鑫天地;「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!约1.1km有上海第二中学梅陇校区,约1.5km范围内有海梦一方、七宝中学附属闵行金都实验中学、闵行梅陇社区卫生服务中心;约2km范围内有绚荟城、三甲医院华东医院(闵行门诊部)、曹行小学。周边有3大国家级产业区、5大科创中心、「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!12大科创园、3000+企业,直线距离约7公里范围内拥有漕河泾开发区、紫竹高新技术产业园等科创基地,西侧直线距离约190m即是梅陇镇政府,东侧就是新梅陇中心。密集化的资源绑定,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!让中国铁建万科·朗拾花语在步行范围内,就有着全面的商业、教育、医疗配套,大大缩减了时间成本,新青年无论是职场工作、日常购物、消费娱乐、生活人居方面都能拥有更多选择。03超强景观兑现力1:1复刻湄南河度假酒店「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!结合万科“拾系”与中铁建“花语系”两大系别精髓,在景观打造上以曼谷湄南河度假酒店为参照系,以热带植物的蓬勃活力赋能悦己生活的价值内核。在中国铁建万科·朗拾花语三展示范区的实景呈现场面来看,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!越来越多的新精致生活者们寻望水岸,寻求自然、植物、流水与自我的共生价值链接,热切追逐着悦己生活方式的自我表达。以开放的绿地开展悦己社交在中国铁建万科·朗拾花语看来,植物既是用来观赏的,也是用来参与的。「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!与辰山植物园进行合作,开发开放式草坪,并以此全面涵盖人们的社交形态:单人、多人、群组、对坐,以开放共享的草地尽可能为人们提供“自然社交”的平台。未来,人们可以在此举办草坪野餐、飞盘、萌宠、音乐节、露营等丰富的社交活动,触发更多的停留和遇见的可能性。营造滨水生活场景的可参与感沿住区滨水活力轴,中国铁建万科·朗拾花语设置七个睦邻花园:「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!水杉林跑道、漫步林栖站、城市客厅、草坡沐阳、叠台林屿、雨水花园、草坡观水冥想,以及四个主题节点:植物科普、宠物互动、亲水健身、城市散步等,让更多细腻的生活场景将在水的流动中,一起发生。三展示范区呈现的滨水景观组团,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!以原生水杉为保留物种,形成通透且隐秘的水岸隔墙,通过天然水系的贯穿流淌,岸边随时漫步的栈道,铺展出水韵温柔、树荫浓厚的静谧语境。「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!加之沿岸滨水花园、滨水庭院的打造,多层次多视角水岸景观组团列阵,致力将中国铁建万科·朗拾花语住区构建成一座漂浮于水上的自然岛屿,将度假美学的观念根植之中。带给每一个向往悦己生活的人,纯粹、愉悦、自由自在的度假感景观氛围。打造停留在时光里的记忆点同时,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!中国铁建万科·朗拾花语也注重通过植物营造人们的特色记忆场景。每个人的记忆中,都总有一座廊子,被萦绕的花藤爬满,为此,中国铁建万科·朗拾花语在社区内打造特色廊架,人们可以在廊下喝茶、休息、聊天,让童年的记忆在未来得到延续。三展示范区的浮光花廊,以The Siam 暹罗酒店的花廊为灵感来源,环绕的是重瓣黄木香。每年四五月,满目木香,黄若披锦,灿若金霞,坐在廊下,面朝河流,闻着花香,既享受天光,又享受水光,在金灿灿的花海中,找到内心的安逸惬意。「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!构建共生社区的第三空间此外,中国铁建万科·朗拾花语内还会有很多的第三空间——由架空层等空间营造出的特殊社交盒子:「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!可以安静阅读、工作的“学习盒子”;可以会议、趴体的 “聚会空间”;可供儿童阅读、玩耍的“童玩空间”;同时,还配备了自助贩卖机、自助咖啡机、独立卫生间,整个空间做到了美观与实用兼备。在这里,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!让您重温大学图书馆的学习氛围,不断提升自己;还可以结识好友,打破城市钢筋混凝土的陌生感,在相对开敞的空间中,畅快的与朋友、邻居交流或者会客。是可以自由发挥、由业主自己去定义的共享基地,让社交从局限的客厅中彻底脱离出来。一站徐汇,总价600-750万级,「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!建筑面积约86㎡得享矩阵大横厅,建筑面积约121㎡三房一线滨河,四批次是最后收官三栋臻品已取证。置业黄金窗口期,兵贵神速,想要入手繁华水岸,悦己主义生活样本,速来中国铁建万科·朗拾花语,席位不多,手慢即无!「中国铁建万科·朗拾花语」售楼处电话:400-960-1115(售楼中心)置业利好惊喜登场!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!In Shanghai, how to judge a real estate, is it really selling well?"China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! The most direct way is to look at the list. On June 3, the latest list of real estate sales amount released by KREisrui Shanghai shows that China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihuayu sales amount, number of sales units, and sales area are among the top ten. One month sales of 134 sets of housing, the amount of up to 1.024 billion yuan, 3 batches launched in just half a month sold out, become Minhang Meilong veritable out of stock king.It has to be said that "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office phone: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Looking at Shanghai, the total price of 6-7.5 million high-specification asset market proportion is really very small, China Railway Construction Vanke Longshihua is a rare Meilong regardless of brand, location, landscape, housing quality are excellent super price ratio red plate. Three batches of hot sales are sold out enough to show the popularity of the product in the market.What is exciting is that the building area of about 86 square meters and the building area of about 121 square meters were sold out before the opening.Four batches ended three buildings, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Langshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Home good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! The last batch of excellent housing has been obtained, coupled with the central bank's three consecutive drops and the introduction of "Shanghai nine", the hot scene after the New Deal exploded 80 sets a week, it can be predicted that another wave of hot is about to be performed.01The explosive model is backConstruction area of about 86㎡/121㎡ sweeping the market,Have few rivalsAt the same time of putting forward new life propositions, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! China Railway Construction Vanke · Lang pick flower core product force is a weapon to conquer the market. The construction area of four batches of heavy return is about 86㎡/121㎡, which is the ultimate in spatial performance carving and landscape creation layout.With the current market popular housing type, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! The three room products are basically in the construction area of about 90 square meters, and most of them are functional small three rooms, emphasizing compact and practical, sufficient performance and insufficient comfort.China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua language construction area of about 86㎡ three room products have a building area of about 120㎡ products, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua language" sales office phone: 400-960-1115 (sales center) good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! At the entrance, the living scale is pulled to the mansion effect, which strengthens the luxury and extravagance of the space. The large bay window of equal width can set up multiple scene function places, such as tea room, coffee bar, micro desk... The storage function and entertainment function are perfectly combined together.South to two large sunshine bedroom, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Home good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! The master bedroom has an exclusive cloakroom and an independent balcony, which enhances the space lighting and emphasizes the owner's sense of privacy. About 3.5m luxury spacious room, can be placed dressers, wardrobes, etc., for the hostess clothes, makeup to leave enough space.What is more worth mentioning is that "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office phone: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Building area of about 86 square meters, there are enough 4 large bay Windows, high expansion space higher room rate, the price of the room type of the market, in the same area of space whether performance or price are completely exploded.Construction area of about 121 square meters three room product landscape location, the west side of the line Linhe, "China Railway Construction Vanke long pick up flowers" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (sales center) Home good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Enjoy the excellent ecological landscape of the natural water system, push the window that looks at the flow of the river light, is a great visual enjoyment.And at present, there are only 26 units of the unit, scarce housing is sold out, and then there is no such product, the popularity of the market can be imagined.02Gold Central ZhengmeilongOne stop Xuhui, bustling supporting convenient travelAbout 400m walk to Line 15 Hongmei South Road station, about 300m straight up Hongmei Viaduct Road, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Langshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Property good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Line 15 (opened to traffic), Line 19 (under construction), and the airport link line three rail intersection, China Railway Construction Vanke · Long pick up flowers to create a straight line from the central about 2.5km of 6-7.5 million houses, which is very attractive to Shanghai's new exquisite youth.Not to mention the 360,000 square Huaxin world on the north side of the project about 700m; "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! About 1.1km, there is Meilong Campus of Shanghai No. 2 Middle School, and about 1.5km, there is Haimongfang, Jindu Experimental Middle School affiliated to Qibao Middle School, and Meilong Community Health Service Center of Minhang. Within about 2km, there are Xuanhui City, East China Hospital (Minhang Outpatient Department), and Caohang Primary School.There are 3 national industrial areas around, 5 science and technology innovation centers, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Lang Shihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! 12 science and innovation parks, 3000+ enterprises, the linear distance of about 7 kilometers, there are Caohejing Development Zone, Zizhu High-tech Industrial Park and other science and innovation bases, the linear distance of about 190m to the west is Meilong Town government, the east is the new Meilong center.Intensive resource binding, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Let China Railway Construction Vanke Longshi Flower language within walking distance, there is a comprehensive business, education, medical support, greatly reducing the time cost, new young people can have more choices in workplace work, daily shopping, consumer entertainment, and living.03Super landscape delivery power1:1 Replica Chao Phraya River Resort Hotel"China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Combining the essence of Vanke's "Collection system" and China Railway Construction's "Flower family", we take Bangkok Chao Phraya River Resort Hotel as the reference system in landscape construction, and use the vigorous vitality of tropical plants to enrich the value core of our life.In the China Railway Construction Vanke · Long flower language three exhibition demonstration area of the scene, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Long flower language" sales office phone: 400-960-1115 (sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! More and more new exquisite life seekers are looking for the waterfront, seeking the symbiotic value link between nature, plants, water and self, and eagerly chasing the self-expression of their own lifestyle.Socializing with open green spaceIn the view of China Railway Construction Wanke Langshihua, plants are both for viewing and for participating. "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! In cooperation with Chenshan Botanical Garden, the open lawn is developed to fully cover people's social forms: single, multi-person, group, opposite sitting, and to provide people with a "natural social platform" as far as possible with open and shared grass. In the future, people can hold lawn picnics, frisbee, pet, music festival, camping and other rich social activities here, triggering more possibilities to stay and meet.Create a sense of participation in the waterfront life sceneAlong the waterfront vitality axis of residential areas, China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua set up seven good-neighborly gardens: "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Metasoia forest runway, walking forest station, urban living room, grass slope Muyang, overlapping Tai Lin Yu, rain garden, grass slope water meditation, and four theme nodes: plant science, pet interaction, hydrophilic fitness, urban walking, etc., so that more exquisite life scenes will occur in the flow of water.The waterfront landscape group presented in the three exhibition demonstration area, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! With the native metasoia as the reserved species, it forms a transparent and secret waterfront partition wall. Through the natural water system, the boardwalk along the shore at any time spreads out a quiet context of gentle water and thick trees."China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! In addition to the creation of waterfront gardens and courtyards along the coast, the multi-level and multi-perspective waterfront landscape is organized into a series of arrays, which is committed to building China Railway Construction Vanke Longshihua residential area into a natural island floating on the water, and rooted in the concept of vacation aesthetics. Bring to every person who yearns for a pleasant life, pure, pleasant, free sense of vacation landscape atmosphere.Create memories that stay in timeAt the same time, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Lang Shihua" sales office tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! China Railway Construction Vanke Longshihua also pays attention to creating people's characteristic memory scenes through plants. In everyone's memory, there is always a corridor, which is covered with haunting flowers and vines. For this reason, China Railway Construction Vanke Langhua creates a unique corridor in the community, where people can drink tea, rest and chat, so that the memory of childhood can be continued in the future.The Floating Light Flower Gallery in the demonstration area of the Three exhibitions is inspired by the flower gallery of The Siam Hotel, surrounded by a double yellow wood fragrance. Every year in April and May, dazzling wood fragrance, yellow if draped brocade, can if Jinxia, sitting in the corridor, facing the river, smelling the flowers, enjoying the sky, but also enjoying the water, in the golden sea of flowers, find the inner comfort. "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance!Building the third space of symbiotic communityIn addition, there will be a lot of third space in China Railway Construction Vanke Longshihua Language - a special social box created by the elevated floor and other Spaces: "China Railway Construction Vanke Longshihua language" sales office phone: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! A "study box" where you can read and work quietly; A "meeting space" for meetings and parties; A "children's play space" for children to read and play; At the same time, it is also equipped with a self-service vending machine, a self-service coffee machine, and an independent bathroom, and the entire space is beautiful and practical.Here, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Let you relive the learning atmosphere of the university library and constantly improve yourself; You can also make friends, break the strangeness of the city's reinforced concrete, and communicate with friends and neighbors or meet visitors in a relatively open space. It is a shared base that can be freely played and defined by the owners themselves, so that social communication is completely separated from the limited living room.One stop Xuhui, the total price of 6-7.5 million, "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Construction area of about 86 square meters to enjoy the matrix of large horizontal hall, construction area of about 121 square meters of three rooms a line of riverside, four batches is the final three buildings have been certified.Real estate golden window period, the military is fast, want to start the bustling waterfront, happy self life sample, quickly to China Railway Construction Vanke Lang pick up flowers, seats are not many, slow hand is not! "China Railway Construction Vanke · Longshihua" sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (Sales center) Real estate good surprise debut! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance!